Disability Awareness & Inclusion

Results From the Training, Supported by the Posner International Collaboration Fund


As part of a 2017 International Collaboration Fund (ICF) grant awarded by the Posner Center, Member organizations emBOLDen Alliances and Uhambo are partnering to raise awareness within our network about people with disabilities, and to provide education and resources on how to include persons with disabilities in international development and community engagement projects.

In the first phase of the grant, the partners administered a Disability Inclusion Survey to the Posner Center’s network of organizations, to gauge their existing level of awareness or previous interactions with considering persons with disabilities in their development work. emBOLDEN alliances and Uhambo reviewed this wealth of information and identified key areas of need for education. On May 18th, the first phase of the grant culminated in a training delivered at the Posner Center to a group of people from diverse sectors of work.

Check out the infographics below,  highlighting results from the training, and read the full evaluation report over on the emBOLDen Alliance blog.

Stay tuned as we provide updates from phase 2 of the grant, when the will partners pilot a first aid training program for caregivers of individuals with disabilities in South Africa.