May 26, 2022
8:30 AM - 6:30 PM
The SID-Washington Annual Conference has been a Washington, DC tradition for development professionals for over 25 years. Over the past two years, we were able to share the Conference with an international community of attendees through our virtual platform. This year, we are synthesizing our virtual and in-person Conference to offer our first ever fully hybrid Annual Conference on Thursday, May 26th. Following this year’s Conference theme of Inclusive Development: A Healthy, Prosperous, and Resilient Planet for All, we will have panels on health, climate change, peace and security, democracy and governance, economic growth, development finance, DEI, locally led development, and more. And with accessibility in mind to welcome our expanded community, the in-person component will be similar to our past Conferences with an Exhibit Hall, plenary sessions, breakouts, and an end-of-day reception, while the virtual component will feature virtual networking opportunities, a virtual Exhibit Hall, and live sessions to be streamed on the online platform. Register today to join and continue the conversation on cross-cutting, intersectional issues that practitioners in international development face today!