August 29, 2023
12:00 PM - 3:00 PM
What do we mean by “Decolonization”?
What does Native Sovereignty mean?
Are there confusing stumbling blocks in navigating relationships with Native/Tribal partners?
Do you need support in thinking about Native issues in your work?
Demystify the history and discover the resilience and strength of Native peoples.
Discover how you can join the solution.
Three-hour training will cover:
Unpacking Decolonization
Navigating the land acknowledgement
Local Native culture and history, and why it matters
Colonial history: law and policy
Sovereignty and Tribal partnerships
Introduction to Allyship
Native/non-Native Collaborations
We will engage with lecture, small group reflection, and discussion in this live, interactive workshop.
CEU’s available for professional development. Contact to sign up after you register on eventbrite.