October 7, 2015
1:00 PM - 4:00 PM
Know When to Say “Go” and When to Say “No” (For Now…)
Collaborative work is both exciting and daunting. Joining forces with one or more like-minded entities adds a lot of moving parts to your already rapidly moving process. Cultivation Center designed this training on Collaboration Readiness to support you in assessing your organization’s readiness, in addition to the fit and preparedness of your prospective partners, so that you enter into an informed, strategic working agreement when the time is right. This training will provide you with a compass that guides you toward collaborative success. A series of critical questions will challenge you to examine your own readiness and will become the basis for a custom decision-making rubric that you can tweak and apply to any collaborative opportunity. Use what you learn from this inquiry to set general standards for collaboration management and governance in advance of kick-starting a collaborative project. Effective and meaningful collaboration starts long before organizations begin their work together. Avoid the heartache of counterproductive collaboration by doing the hard work of readiness assessment. Through this training, you’ll uncover organizational knowledge that will set you on a clear path to meaningful collaboration and impact.
Facilitated by: Amy Rosenblum, Founder & Principal of Cultivation Center
Participants Will Walk Away With:
- A list of critical questions to assess collaboration readiness;
- A custom decision-making rubric;
- A collaboration management & governance template;
- Soft skills for approaching, assessing and communicating with prospective collaborators;
- Language to describe an ideal collaboration that can be used in face-to-face and print communications.
Who should attend this training:
- Anyone considering entering into a collaborative work agreement;
- Organizations looking to accelerate their impact through strategic collaboration;
- Individuals and organizations who have struggled in past collaborations;
- Leaders and staff who wish to do effective collaborative work inside and outside of their organizations.
Open to Tenants and Members only. Please RSVP.