January 20, 2017
6:00 PM - 8:00 PM
Many will join the Women’s March on Denver (marchoncolorado.org) Saturday, January 21, 2017 to join in the global proclamation that we will not tolerate the denigration of anyone’s human rights.
On Friday evening, January 20, join Jennifer Reeve of Studio B Evergreen for Qoya–a mindful, feminine movement practice preparing us to march in peace, love and understanding.
Qoya (qoya.love) is based on the idea that through movement, we remember our essence as women as wise, wild and free. We remember how to trust our body as our sacred guide, embody our soul, and live a life aligned with our truth by following our intuition. Wise, wild and free also draw reference to the movement forms we practice: wise–the wisdom of yoga, wild–the creative expression in dance, and free–the freedom to enjoy our bodies through feminine movement.
No experience necessary! There is no way to do Qoya wrong and the way you know you are doing it right is that it feels true to YOU.
Qoya class is free—presented in gratitude for the power of the divine feminine
Donations accepted to benefit the Posner Center for International Development and its mission to grow lasting solutions to global poverty (posnercenter.org).
Register online at studiobevergreen.com.
For more information contact .
What to wear & bring:
Clothing you can move in
Yoga mat (and if you have an extra, one to share)
Water bottle