May 27, 2015
9:30 AM - 11:00 AM
Moderated by Posner Center Tenant MarketShare Associates‘ Erin Markel
This webinar explores the gender dimensions of wage work and how our market systems programming can better tackle this often overlooked, but critical, aspect of women’s economic empowerment.
This is the third webinar in the From Theory to Practice: Women’s Economic Empowerment in Inclusive Market Systems Development learning series, brought to you by the SEEP Network and UN Women. If you missed the first two sessions, you can view them here.
Bama Athreya, Senior Specialist, Labor and Employment Rights, USAID
Thalia Kidder, Senior Advisor, Women’s Economic Rights, Oxfam
Nurul Ameen Siddiquee, Technical Advisor, Sustainable Agriculture, CARE USA
Erin Markel, Principal Consultant, Economic Empowerment, MarketShare Associates and Co-facilitator of The SEEP Network’s WEE WG
Find more information and register here.