May 27, 2021
7:00 AM - 8:00 AM
What does it look like to face a crisis with a mindset of abundance rather than one of scarcity? What does it look like to practice trust and respect in partnership, rather than restriction or self-preservation? What does it look like to show up for one’s community with care and dignity–even when there are many unknowns about what tomorrow will bring? While we don’t have all the answers to these questions, the team at Shadhika has been actively navigating the ongoing COVID-19 crisis alongside their partners in India for the last 14+ months. Through the process, Shadhika has pursued and implemented models of trust-based philanthropy which encapsulates these ideas–a posture of abundance, trust and respect for partnership, local community care and more–and which is foundational to our belief in responding to and breaking down systems of oppression.
Join us on May 27th to hear from Shadhika’s team in India – Upasana Saha and Sabah Siddiqui – about what is currently happening on the ground in India during the second wave. Shadhika Executive Director My Lo Cook will also share more about Shadhika’s process working alongside their partners in India during the COVID-19 crisis. We look forward to this open, community conversation with Posner colleagues about how we can all support India in this time of dire need.
- My Lo Cook, Executive Director – based in Colorado Springs, CO
- Upasana Saha, Program Officer – based in Pune, Maharashtra, India
- Sabah Siddiqui, Donor & Program Associate – based in Mumbai, Maharashtra, India
Shadhika exists to inspire a culture shift in India by ensuring every young woman is empowered to realize her full potential. Investing from adolescence to adulthood, we partner with local women-led organizations to ensure these young women can make their own decisions, succeed in school, contribute to the economy, and transform their communities. One young woman at a time, our bottom up approach is creating a generation of young women leaders, each of whom lifts up a generation beside and behind her. Her success creates a groundswell of change that starts in India and ripples around the world. Visit shadhika.org to learn more.
The Posner Center for International Development is committed to accessibility and inclusion for all people. We use Zoom’s Live Transcription feature during all virtual events. To request additional accommodations or for questions about accessibility, please contact Lauren Andraski at or 720-515-9071.
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