October 25, 2023
6:00 AM - 9:00 AM
🗣 TRAINING: Creating Organizational Cultures of Care for transformative change and solidarity in international development with Maha El-Sheikh and Brooke Lavelle is happening in October 2023.
✷ This training is for international development and humanitarian aid workers who are seeking compassionate, anti-oppressive, trauma-informed, healing-centered practices for working with colleagues, leading teams, and building partnerships. The training uses the CourageRISE framework to guide participants toward relational cultures of care that sustain individual wellbeing in the service of their broader work for transformative, systemic change. The tools and skills learned in this course will help participants break away from workplace cultures that are stuck in ‘survival mode’ and often end up unintentionally reinforcing colonial and oppressive practices like toxic power imbalances, a sense of not belonging, employee burnout, hopelessness, and despair. The course will use a mix of inquiry, reflection, somatic practices, and discussions. Participants will leave with clear ways of supporting collective care, wellbeing, and creativity in their programs and organizations so that they can truly work in solidarity with each other and the communities they serve.
🗓 Dates: Wednesdays from October 25-November 22, 2023
⏰ Times: 8am – 11:00 am Eastern Time (US and Canada)
🌏 Location: Online, live and very interactive
💰 Cost: $100-$995 with early bird discounts and scholarship options available!