March 27, 2023
7:30 AM - 11:00 AM
🗣 TRAINING: Gender and Social Inclusion in Proposal Processes: Strategies and tools for an integrated approach with Emily B. Brown is happening in March-April 2023.
✷ This 5-day participatory, virtual course is for global development practitioners who would like to develop their abilities to integrate gender equality and social inclusion (GESI) in business development and proposal design processes. Participants will learn about GESI integration actions and complementary tools for each step of a typical business development lifecycle, and they will practice applying those tools and concepts to develop their own GESI strategy in response to a bi-lateral donor’s request for proposals. The course content includes a focus on GESI project design principles, donor policies, and partnering for gender equality and inclusive development, as well as how to advocate for and diffuse resistance to GESI integration in project design processes. By the end of the course, participants will be equipped with the knowledge, skills, and tools to effectively integrate GESI in the business development lifecycle.
🗓 Dates: March 27-April 6, 2023
⏰ Times: 9:30 am -1 pm EST including a 30 minute break
🌏 Location: Online, live and very interactive
💰 Cost: $100-$850 with early bird discounts and scholarship options available!