Monitoring & Evaluation (M&E) Community of Practice

  •  August 13, 2020
     12:00 PM - 1:00 PM

Do you lead Monitoring and Evaluation (M&E) work for your organization? Consult in the field? New to evaluation, but interested to learn more?  Join this month’s M&E Zoom call featuring Christy Lazicky from IDINSIGHT  talking about how to develop a Theory of Change.

All efforts at affecting positive change are built on assumptions of how people and institutions work together in specific contexts. Mapping out the process for how and why a desired change is expected to happen, or a theory of change, is critical for evaluation work including program design, questionnaire design, measurement and interpreting results. In this session, Christy will walk through what is a theory of change, why it’s important, and how to develop one for your program or evaluation.

Communities of Practice are open to Tenants and Members of the Posner Center only. Please join our Posner Community to participate.



Zoom link will be provided prior to the meeting.