December 11, 2020
7:30 PM - 9:00 PM
2020 has been a rollercoaster of experiences and emotions for all of us. Incredibly, the end of the year is here and during these unprecedented times we can all use a night of good cheer and connection. We already know the Posner Community has so much amazing talent doing positive work around the world…but we also know that the community is full of inspiration, talents and rare skills that would be great to share.
Join us for a Variety show put on by you, the Posner Community. This gathering of good cheer and fun times will be co-hosted by Matthew ‘PappyBear’ Harris of Solar Energy International, and Special Guest. Share your bad jokes, musical talents, stories, skits, poetry, or whatever inspires you (or your kids, whose talents we’d also love to see!)
Although tickets to the Variety Show are free, we are asking you to make a donation to our Strength in Community campaign to help the Posner Center Community get through this challenging pandemic. Our namesake, Joanne Posner, will match any money we raise up to $5000! With your help, this means we could raise $10,000! To double your impact and help secure a strong future for the Posner Center, donate here before or during the Variety Show!
Text the code COMMUNITYSTRONG to 44-321
- Sign up to showcase your talent here by 4pm MST on December 1st
- Join as a participant by using the Zoom link here
Listen to Lionel Lyle’s PSA to learn more about the Posner Variety Show. He’ll tell you what it’s all about and why you should participate!! https://posnercenter.org/videos/posner-center-variety-show-psa-from-lionel-lyle/