October 28, 2022
10:30 AM - 12:00 PM
What are the different lenses and frameworks being used to explore shifting power? What is the difference between different models such as participatory development, localization, decolonization, and liberation?
In this partnership between FNM Advising and the Posner Center for International Development, join Farah Mahesri in exploring:
- History of stakeholder engagement and participation in global contexts
- Overlap and differences between frames that center localization, decolonization, de-imperialism, and liberation
- Action maze lab to explore these concepts in action
- Connect with others in this work
(Note: This session will be recorded and shared with all registered participants in case you are unable to join live.)
Farah Mahesri
Lead consultant and DE&I expert
FNM Advising
How do we do a better job of changing the world (in a timely manner)? This is the central question that has been the propellant behind my career. I want to be part of the global movement that imagines – and builds! – a free, liberatory, fair world.
I have rambled, meandered and explored my way to this point. I have worked in journalism, in advocacy/lobbying, to support power building and social justice organizations, for large global for-profits, and for tiny start-up ed/tech nonprofits, learning something valuable from each experience.
Today, I work as a “consultant” supporting both large and small organizations striving for greater, bolder, fairer change. I partner and collaborate with organizations to explore their strategies, their organizations and people, and their programs through advising / consulting and leading transformational workshops. Learn more about my work and my research at www.fnmadvising.com and connect with me on LinkedIn here: https://www.linkedin.com/in/farahmahesri/.
This course is priced $20 if you are paying for yourself, and $65 if your employer is paying for you. Did you know that most people don’t use all or even some of their learning stipends every year? Please consider using your professional development funds and paying the $65 as that helps to compensate for time in creating the content and allows us to offer additional courses!
Are you an employer interested in buying multiple tickets for people in your organization or co-sponsoring this workshop? Please contact Lauren Andraski at