May 1, 2022
9:30 AM - 4:00 PM
There is a world of stories being told about community development projects, from rural Tanzanian girls getting the leadership skills to stay in school to clean drinking water eliminating cholera outbreaks in a mountain community of Guatemala. But through all their variety, a certain colonial point of view dominates – that of the white savior. What if the stories we told centered voices from the communities themselves? What would those narratives look like and how might they change the way we think about (and do) development itself?
Join development practitioners and filmmakers for a day of films, short and long, about community development, interspersed with lively discussion of case studies and the process of storytelling through video. Our stories will range from youth finding new livelihoods in Ghana’s Gold Coast fishing communities, to sustainable production of bio-plastics in Egypt, to community-led housing solutions for Colorado’s Front Range. The day will include a hands-on workshop with tools, techniques, and a reflective approach to help you create the story you might want to tell about community development. RSVP Here >>