Training of Facilitators (TOF) for Supervisors of Community Health Workers: Uplifting Maternal Mental Health

  •  July 26, 2022
     11:00 AM - 2:15 PM

To help build capacity for identifying, supporting, educating and referring clients with maternal depression, CAI has developed a 6-hour Uplifting Maternal Mental Health training to be delivered by supervisors to their community health worker or home visiting staff, in-person or virtually. CAI invites you to join us for a 6-hour virtual Training of Facilitators to review the course, including strategies for training delivery, facilitation, and rationale. Please join us for this interactive workshop to make your delivery of the Uplifting Maternal Mental Health training for staff a success.

By the end of this training, participants will be able to…
1. Experience key activities from the Uplifting Maternal Mental Health training from the learner’s perspective.
2. Explain the purpose of interactive activities and discussions for adult learners.
3. Describe the rationale for delivering the training with fidelity.
4. Develop skills in facilitating activities from the curriculum.

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Zoom link will be provided prior to the meeting.