April 22, 2020
1:00 PM - 2:00 PM
Please note: This session will be available online only.
Learn best practices for starting and growing your work with USAID, which distributes more than $16 billion each year! We will share USAID partnering best practices our firms have learned through support our client’s work with USAID and USAID prime implementers. Come learn how to start building your organization’s USAID market strategy. The seminar will cover how to learn about USAID funding opportunities, the USAID procurement process, and will give you tools you can take back to your organization to build and grow your USAID work. This will be targeted to international development and aid organizations based outside of Washington, DC that are interested in USAID funding. Please bring your questions about working with USAID!
Mike Shanley has fifteen years of experience working in the USAID market, including at Chemonics International, USAID’s largest implementing partner. In 2013, he founded Konektid International (www.konektid.com) with the mission of helping new partners to enter the USAID market. Konektid has worked with foreign aid organizations of all types and sizes including both established and new USAID partners, to make it easy for them to partner and grow their USAID portfolio. His clients have ranged from the Fortune 500 and the Ivy League, to local NGOs. He regularly works with clients and leads seminars on USAID partnering strategies, trends, and international development market updates. Konektid has partnered with the top foreign aid associations, including USAID, Devex, Society for International Development (DC), British Expertise International, Johns Hopkins University, Bond UK, Impact Hub Geneva, and the Posner Center for International Development.
Joe Miklosi has been serving the public and bridging goals in the government, business, and nonprofit sectors in Colorado, Washington, D.C. and around the globe for 27 years. Miklosi believes that combining the time, talent and treasure from the government, business and nonprofit sectors will solve today’s most challenging obstacles. Miklosi’s diverse background includes helping start a software company, serving four years in the Colorado State House of Representatives, running for U.S. Congress in 2012 in Colorado’s 6th Congressional District, serving as Project C.U.R.E.’s Director of Government Relations, and working in 35 developing nations on health care and agriculture projects to reduce poverty. In 2015, he created Bridge Consulting, a B-Corp that provides international business consulting; public policy, political, and lobbying consulting, and nonprofit strategic management, Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR), and public-private partnership (PPP) consulting services to a variety of domestic and international nonprofits and small businesses.
The Posner Center for International Development is committed to accessibility and inclusion for all people. To request additional accommodations or for questions about accessibility, please contact Lauren Andraski at or 720-515-9074. Registration will end at midnight on April 21st.