Development Dialogue

  •  January 24, 2017
     12:00 PM - 1:30 PM

Posner Center

The transition from the Obama era to a new Trump Administration brings a host of questions, potential challenges, and many unknowns. What does this community of development professionals need to know? What should we be paying attention to and how can we respond?

Our co-facilitators come with in-depth experience to help us gain a clearer picture of the incoming administration and the landscape for international development in the coming years. Barbara Smith boasts a long background with USAID in a variety of roles, most recently as Deputy Assistant Administrator of the Policy, Planning and Learning Bureau. Karin Wedig is an Assistant Professor at the Joseph Korbel School of International Studies and teaches courses in development economics and sustainable agriculture development. Come ready to learn from them and bring your own questions and ideas to the table.

Lunch will be provided. Please RSVP below.

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1031 33rd St, Denver, Colorado, 80205, United States