Global Cafe – East Africa Edition

  •  February 21, 2018
     12:00 PM - 1:30 PM

Posner Center

Tenants & Members Only 

Join us for our inaugural Global Cafe at the Posner Center! Global Cafes bring together our community for meaningful conversations on questions that matter. Built upon the World Cafe method, these interactive sessions enable creative ideas, new approaches, and next steps for action. This month, we’ll focus our discussion on East Africa. We’ll start with a broad question around the challenges and opportunities in East Africa. Small groups will discuss that question, then we’ll move to different tables and tackle related questions. We’ll harvest the learning, ideas, and recommendations emerging from the conversations. Come to meet others working in your region, and leave with a new perspective and ways to integrate that into your work moving forward.

 A little more about this event: Global Cafes are a new program that the Posner Center is launching in 2018. They’re replacing our former ‘Block Party’ event, with the idea that our community needs to do more than meet one another, but to learn from and engage with one another in a semi-structured environment. We’ll lead these events every other month with a broad focus on either a geographic region, or on a particular sector of work. Individuals and organizations engaging in that region or sector are invited, as well as others who are interested in these areas.

To RSVP for this event, please email us


1031 33rd St, Denver, Colorado, 80205, United States