May 21, 2015
1:00 PM - 3:00 PM
Designing and Conducting Effective Surveys
This interactive workshop will be facilitated by MarketShare Associates, a boutique consulting firm specializing in innovative economic development and results measurement. It will start with an overview of fundamental principles of monitoring and evaluation systems and then focus specifically on useful tools and techniques for developing effective survey instruments. Participants are asked to bring an example of a past survey that they have used, in order to integrate prior experiences and lessons learned. MSA will then engage the group through practical exercises and discussion so as to put into practice key principles and techniques. MSA will also share insights on designing and implementing monitoring and evaluation systems in complex environments, and with a particular focus on measuring women’s empowerment.
Topics covered will include:
- Identifying and prioritizing research objectives;
- Identifying and characterizing a target audience;
- Designing a sampling plan;
- Developing and testing survey questions; and
- Analyzing and reporting on results.
Participants will acquire a basic understanding of results measurement systems, as well as practical techniques for designing and implementing surveys that suite their unique organizational needs.
Free to Tenants/Members
Please register below.
Venue: Posner Center - IEEE Global Classroom