October 24, 2018
4:00 PM - 5:00 PM
Nepal International Language Center for Education and Development
Daniel Niles, former Director of CSM Language Center, will hold a short presentation and discussion about the Nepal International Language Center for Education and Development which he began creating over 10 years ago in Sarangkot, Nepal. Through the creation of a modular and multipurpose, wifi linked structure he hosts various instructors, artists, craftspersons, thinkers and doers to use the various spaces, tools and internet links to bring ‘1st world instruction and practical education to a country often described as one of the ‘least’ developed’. Living through the recent earthquake he’s helped with new construction ideas, as well as working with farmers to find ways to modernize small family farms, increase handicrafts, improve nutrition and train teachers in early childcare and more. NILCED employs and trains blind people as well and has found many ways to mainstream their skills into his training center.
Any Posner affiliate with a desire to showcase new skills, tools, or ideas would be most welcome to come and share and see if NILCED could be useful to you as an instructional or experimental avenue to explore how the worldwide web and the right tools and spaces can best be utilized in a country trying to ‘catch up’ with the rest of the world, so to speak. Come and share.
No RSVP required. Please contact Patrick Smith (303-363-1613) for more information.
Venue: Posner Center - IEEE Global Classroom