November 30, 2016
1:00 PM - 4:00 PM
Exemplary Practices of Leadership
The most-requested training by Posner Center Tenants is Leadership Development, and we’re excited to bring in Amy Savage from Fine Points Leadership to help us delve deeply into two key domains within leadership.
First, we’ll explore the practice of inspiring a shared vision. People enter mission-driven fields with a passion, and often this vision can get lost in the everyday work. Amy will work with the group to bring vision back into everyday work in concrete and practical ways that helps advance your work and keep your team engaged. Next, we’ll jump into the practice of enabling others to act. How can we support others to perform at their best? What skills, practices and attitudes create this environment? How can we do this cross-culturally and from a distance? Come to find out!
This ToolBox is appropriate for individuals at all levels within their organization. Leadership is something we all practice, irrespective of our roles. Join to learn and leave with practices you can implement right away.
Open to Tenants and Members
Please RSVP below.
Venue: Posner Center - IEEE Global Classroom