Tech Salon: The Internet of Things

  •  April 13, 2016
     8:30 AM - 10:30 AM

How Can Sensors and Internet of Things Increase Real-Time Analysis of Development Programs?

There is a coming sensor revolution in development. Thanks to the mobile phone dividend, the many sensors in mobile phones are becoming more robust, cheaper, and even more energy efficient. Combined with near-ubiquitous 2G and soon 3G coverage, and liberated from handsets, these sensors are creating an Internet of Things that will expand quickly beyond rich countries to have a global impact.

We can now automagically monitor everything from water pump usage to illegal logging, providing real-time analysis on critical programming and early warning for everything from earthquakes and floods to famines and the resulting civil unrest.

Yet, we should pause amid the hype and ask key questions about IoT4D:

• Who using sensors and IoT in global development and what are they learning?
• How can we developing IoT4D that address the needs of marginalized groups?
• How does data collected by smart devices impact, human rights, social welfare, and contribute to a surveillance culture?
• Who is funding and investing in IoT and what are most critical areas for investment?

Please RSVP to join these thought leaders in sensing technology and international development for a lively debate on how the Internet of Things can be a tool for global development:
• Gordon Lau, iDE
• Karam Saab, Kilpatrick Townsend LLP

We’ll have hot coffee and catered breakfast treats for a morning rush. Space is limited to 35-people. Please request a seat at the link below and a Posner Staff Member will follow up to confirm your registration

Request a seat here.


1031 33rd St, Denver, Colorado, 80205, United States