ToolBox: Board Recruitment and Engagement

  •  May 31, 2016
     1:00 PM - 4:00 PM

Join Emily Davis Consulting for a packed afternoon on one of the most essential topics in nonprofit management: board governance. One of the challenges in board governance is a strong and strategic recruitment process. How can you find the right board members? How many board members do you really need? What steps do you need to take to find the right board members for your organization? How can you design a process that will foster a more inclusive board culture?

Once you’ve recruited all-star board members, learn tips, tricks and tools for engagement and effective communication. Engage in discussion about addressing conflict, effective meeting facilitation – all strategies for setting your board apart from the rest and for keeping great board members serving your mission.

Members and Tenants only

*Board Members of Tenants/Members are highly encouraged to come

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1031 33rd St, Denver, Colorado, 80205, United States