January 29, 2015
1:00 PM - 4:00 PM
Personal Leadership™: From Intention to Impact
Posner Core Value: Diversity
What would your life be like if you knew exactly what to do when you got stuck in your work? What if a simple way of observing yourself could move you through it? And what if that shift is what could reliably move good intentions into real impact?
When we work in different countries with people from different cultures, frustration, miscommunication and overwhelm are highly likely if not guaranteed. Whether working on a team with clashing values, facing the option of unilateral decision to meet deadlines, or not knowing how to communicate about a difficult issue, we all have had the experience of freezing up inside and not knowing how to proceed. Left unattended, this can lead to festering conflict, broken trust, poor decisions, wasteful investments, and lack of sleep.
In this Toolbox, you will learn a self-coaching process that will bridge the gap between cross-cultural knowledge and true cross-cultural competence. When used, it deepens your capacity to build powerful interpersonal relationships with people from a broad variety of cultural backgrounds and leverage the potential that exists when you are faced with the new and unfamiliar – be it in the form of a person, a place or a project. Personal Leadership™ focuses on taking leadership of our personal experience when working with people and conditions we don’t understand. In this Toolbox you will learn this approach and have an opportunity to practice, and discover how you can make a world of difference.
Please register below.
Venue: Posner Center - IEEE Global Classroom