Catalyzing Collaboration

Partnerships Sparked by Posner Center Tenancy

Gretchen Smithwick | Senior Program Manager | Engineers Without Borders-USA
Kendall Warwick-Diaz | Prospect Research and Membership Administrator| Engineers Without Borders-USA

Data drawn from a Posner Center Collaboration Survey found that organizations who became tenants had significantly more partnerships after becoming tenants than they did before. Notably, tenants increased their partnerships in all areas by 411% and on collaboration specifically by 288%.

The four types of partnerships depicted are:

Networking Partnerships: an exchange of information for mutual benefit
Cooperation Partnerships: a short-term informal relationship for sharing information with separate goals and resources
Coordination Partnerships: a longer-term effort around a project or task with some sharing of resources and division of roles
Collaboration Partnerships: organizations worked together for a common vision resulting in service integration or system change
Four categories of partnerships drawn from Collaboration for a Change, Himmelman 2002

The Posner Center for International Development is transforming global development through a model of intentional collaboration.

Engineers Without Borders-USA harnesses the skills of engineers to tackle the challenges that keep the world’s poorest people from living healthy, productive lives.

praxis, a collaboration between the Posner Center and Regis University Development Practice, provides courses, including data visualization, designed to strengthen the development practice of the Posner Center Community and beyond.