Rebuilding and Transitioning to More Equitable Global Systems After COVID-19
by Kristen Dailey
In their annual Goalkeepers Report, Bill and Melinda Gates noted that after decades of progress toward the Sustainable Development Goals, ...
LISTEN: The USAID Response to COVID-19 W/ Dr. Ken Staley
by Jamie Hansen
We were honored to have been joined by Dr. Ken Staley, Executive Director of the COVID-19 Task Force for USAID, ...
Collaboration to Increase Transparency in the Coffee Value Chain
by Emily Knapp
Check out this story, written by Emily Knapp of iDE, describing the progress of a collaboration between iDE (International Development ...
Educate! Leverages Distance Learning To Combat School Closures
by Jamie Hansen
Posner Center tenant, Educate!, works with schools and governments in Uganda, Rwanda, and Kenya to help support and implement an ...
A Tale of Two Buildings
by Alecia McClure and Sarafina Kifaru
On two different continents sit two similar buildings, the Kili Hub and the Posner Center for International Development. They are ...
2020 Development Practice Graduates Aspire to Change the World
by Julia Kennedy
This month, 9 students from 5 countries will graduate with their Master of Development Practice (MDP) from Regis University. For ...
The Women’s Bakery: Providing Opportunity and Nutrition In Rwanda
by Jamie Hansen
Posner Center tenant, The Women’s Bakery, is a social enterprise with three wholly owned and operated bakeries in Rwanda, a ...
Women’s Voices for the Earth Educates on Safer Disinfecting
by Jamie Hansen
A titanic amount of column inches could be—and has been—written about the current and possible repercussions of the COVID-19 pandemic ...
Symposium 2020: Collaboration with Local Partners in Business and Research
by Emily Loker
As a communication researcher invested in community-based research, I was especially excited to be able to attend the Posner Center ...
Symposium 2020: Collaboration for Local Capacity Development
by Kearney Newman
Five Collaboration Principles for Local Capacity Development Dr. Ann Hudock, President and Chief Executive Officer of Counterpart International, started her ...
World Connected Mural Commissioned for Symposium 2020
by Julia Kennedy
Installed in the Posner Center for its second annual Symposium February 27-28, World Connected is a mural by artist Charlotte ...
Envoys Brings SDGs Front and Center For Students
by Jamie Hansen
"We shall not cease from exploration And the end of all our exploring Will be to arrive where we started ...